Reddit Is Clearing Up Old Chats And Messages

July 13, 2023
Reddit Is Clearing Up Old Chats And Messages
Reddit Is Clearing Up Old Chats And Messages

Check your archives if you have fond recollections of speaking with Reddit buddies. Reddit has verified that it is removing all chats and messages sent before 2023, as per user reports. Pulling older messages, according to the social media platform, will enable a “smooth and quick transition” to the new chat architecture, as it stated in June. The update went into effect on June 30th, although many users didn’t realize it until days later.

According to a credible source, there might be a method to retrieve some of those texts. Through an online form, you can ask Reddit for account information, and the archive may contain discussions from earlier than 2023. A priceless conversation won’t be as simple to access again, but it won’t be lost forever either.

However, users are still unimpressed. Reddit informed the community about the cutoff in a changelog, but it didn’t directly inform them. As a result, individuals were unable to back up their records according to their own terms, learning about the company’s plans only after their communication logs vanished.

The move also occurs at a time when Reddit is seeing a wider backlash. Many subreddits staged a days-long blackout in opposition to new regulations that made it difficult for independent apps like Apollo to continue operating. Since then, to fight back, users and moderators have done a variety of things (such focusing subreddits on John Oliver images).

Reddit recently announced that it would phase out the coin system that had been in place to reward great contributors. After September 12th, you won’t be able to buy any more coins, and all rewards and coins will disappear. According to Reddit, the current strategy produces “clutter” and offers content that not everyone finds to be very worthwhile. There will be a new method, but it should be easier to use and more straightforward. Longtime fans accustomed to Reddit’s occasionally incredibly precise accolades and medals may not find that exciting.

Preethi Philip
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Preethi Philip

Preethi Philip is a Content Writer & Editor by profession. She loves weaving content for diverse domains covering technical, marketing, academic, fashion & lifestyle and health. She uses her linguistic skills to add sparkle to any boring content and to get the message across.

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