Google to Eliminate all the AI-generated SEO Content to prioritize Organic Content in Search Results

March 12, 2024
AI-generated SEO content

Many people now rely heavily on Google Search in their daily lives. People use it for everything, from finding locations to getting regular inquiries answered. But in the last several years, spam websites and low-quality content that take advantage of search rankings to make money have become more and more prevalent in search results. This has made it more difficult for individuals to locate trustworthy information online and are exposed to scams from deceptive websites. After realizing this problem, Google has finally decided to upgrade its search results.

Google’s recent announcement signals a crackdown on AI-generated content designed to manipulate search algorithms and artificially boost rankings. This shift in approach marks a significant change for Google and has the potential to affect the overall quality of online content. Google claims that this initiative is more complex than usual upgrades and entails algorithmic enhancements to its fundamental ranking systems. With automated content—including those generated by AI—being the most prevalent, the modifications will mainly target three types of content abuse.

Google product management director, Elizabeth Tucker, clarified that the goal of these changes is to improve ranking algorithms so that they can more accurately identify websites that are truly useful or just visually appealing to search engines. Reducing the amount of poor-quality content in search results and increasing traffic to reliable and valuable websites are the objectives. According to the 2024 March search update, Google estimates that as a result of these modifications, the amount of unoriginal and low-quality content in search results will drop by 40%.

An apparent trend in recent months has been the rise of AI-generated SEO-optimized content that tries to follow Google’s rules to rank higher. This increase might be linked to the accessibility and ease of use of artificial intelligence (AI) tools that can generate content following Google’s preferences.

In addition to targeting SEO content created by AI, Google’s upgrades will also go after individuals who post poor-quality content on websites with high reputation scores.

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